Do what you love, love what you do.

Who decided Yard Sales were early morning? who knows.

My Saturday morning mission:

(photo courtesy of Vintage Fern)

However, my ideal bike would be yellow.

such a sweet father/daughter story.
“ favorite part is at the end at the key change. Right when you think the boy is scared away by the mean dad, he comes back and surprised her with a ring. He takes her away and tells her to get a white dress, it’s magical”

It’s happening…quickly and taking over!

You know that feeling where if you don’t do something you just might burst? My current itch is a creative session. I am so anxious to get some color into my lens. Luckily, I have plenty to photograph in the near future. Tonight-Nick’s welcome home party, Friday-downtown Petersburg and dinner with Les and our boys, Saturday-Red White and Blue Madness and Sunday-Audra and Ethans Engagement Session.

We are headed to Petersburg for some vintage art and then to the Canal Walk in Richmond for some of my secret ideas. It will be hotttt but lots of fun. Young sweet couple who will light up my lens, for sure.

Needless to say, many posts to come.

Also in the near future:
Elizabeth Jett-Senior Portraits
Emily and Darius-Engagement Session
Blake Taylor-Headshots

Welcome Home, Boogerhead.