Bunnies and Breakfast

It’s nice to have a weekend once in a while where nothing is set in stone. 

This weekend was considered Leslie hang out weekend. We played badminton, went thrifting for a hope chest (unsuccessful) and then spent the night at Nick’s parents house. They were gone for the night for a Father’s Day retreat. We had lots of fun cooking pancakes for dinner and I almost killed their cat. almost. 
I also met the coolest bunny ever! His name is Jasper and I want one. 
He just makes me want to watch Bambi!
I can’t forget Lexi…She was quite the ham. 
Get yourself a nice glass of lemonade, a good book and relax. 
  • Stephanie Wilkerson

    Would like to talk to you about doing engagement pictures. Thank you. StephanieReplyCancel