Cookies for Sarah

Friday was the big day. Nick’s parent’s and I left Virginia around 1:30 to see Sarah graduate from AI of Indianapolis…and so I could see Nicholas;) We finally arrived around 12:45 a.m. 

I found this recipe online for ‘cute as a button’ cookies. I knew Sarah would appreciate their charm and since I don’t cook (well), I’m glad they were simple! Here’s how to make them.
Start out with some store-bought sugar cookie dough and cut into small pieces. 
Depending on your color scheme find some coordinating baking sugar to add some color to your buttons!
Roll the small pieces of dough into balls. Dip the bottom of a small glass into the cookie dough to make the sugar stick then press the dough gently until it resembles a button. I know, this is pretty technical.
Use a skewer to poke small holes to form the button holes. 
Lastly, bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. (or follow the directions on the dough label)
Finish them off with a cute jar, plastic wrap and curly ribbon. Voila! budget friendly graduation present!
  • Sarah Pead

    they were oh so delicious! thank u again for a wonderful time!ReplyCancel