post number 304, giveaway

yes yes yes. i’m that girl.
the one who thinks of awesome giveaways and then forgets all about them. well I had dinner with the beautiful karilee tonight which reminded me I chose her brand new fiance’ as the winner from my august 1st giveaway. to refresh your memory…

{darn, I missed it. post number 304. That means another giveaway is in order. I am leaving for london in TWO days so that means this lucky winner will get something extra special from far far away. To be entered to win, email me one photo that if necessary, you could stare at forever and why it’s important to you . Your very very very favorite. It doesn’t have to be one you took. Just a photo that you thoroughly enjoy. If it’s a photo that I took, you juuuuust may get double points. That would make me feel special. I will draw the winner when I return and then the lucky winner will be mailed their lucky something}

I had quite a few fabulous entries but this one stuck out to me. Mainly because it was the kind of photo that drew me in when I first started dabbling into the liking of photos.

Peter said: I took this picture of my 2 year old niece and could stare at it forever for sure : To me it says a lot about innocence/faith/growing up, walking/staring down the dark path not knowing whats going to come but then having faith to keep walking anyway. Relating to how God said we have to have faith in Him like children do.

So peter…I have a nice free engagement AND bridal session for you and kari to enjoy. before you get all excited, the bridal session is for kari…not you. Kari…are you still shaking in your boots? 😉

  • Chelsea

    This made me really happy. You're a terrific person! I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend!ReplyCancel